Friday, April 6, 2007

Water on our Minds

Water, the very stuff of life is the biggest concern for the people of Gouria. During the rainy season when the rains actually come, it is a time of plenty. The crops grow in abundance and the grasses grow tall, and all's right and green with the world.

Should the rains fail to come, a very bad situation becomes worse leading to such misery that is beyond the imagination of the outside world to comprehend. Even under "normal" circumstances the situation reaches an appalling state. This year, The Malima Support Group in Valencia, Spain, with the help of many people who have donated funds, have authorised and paid for two initiatives: (a) We will experiement by using guttering on the rooftops of the school buildings at Malima to collect the water during the rains; and huge industrial plastic containers is where the water will be stored.

(b) During the week of April 2nd, 2007, a firm of engineers are seeking out an underground lens from which water can be brought to the surface via a borehole. It is so very important that the drill is successful, but there can be no guarantees, so we shall just have to cross our fingers that we shall be successful. If so, a problem that has existed for over 2007 years will be solved.

Further, a new method to Africa will be tried in Gouria, that being the science of Perma Culture, whereby collected water will be used for irrigation through perforated tubing producing a slow drip to crops. This will extend the growing season with the knock-on effect of improved year-round health prospects for villagers.

Added to the recent introduction of electricity to the village, Gouria will have taken a giant leap forward into the 21st century. Can you imagine how thrilling that is for a people so long ignored?


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