Saturday, October 18, 2008

Annual Report The Malima Project Charity


CIF: G97910012
C/- General Pastor, 36,46183 L’Eliana
Aptdo de correos 168, 46183, L’Eliana
(Valencia) Spain

Annual Report 2008

The year under review has been a good one, especially as it has been without the excitement and uncertainties of the previous year. We reported that our founding director of Malima, Felix Ngambou Ngadeu had left Malima and moved to England, and he had been replaced by Mr. Sop Sighen François Delefete.

François, as he prefers to be addressed, was known to Felix, and came from the same village in the Southwest of Cameroon. He has had European experience as he lived for a time in Greece. His majors are mathematics and sports. We have found him to be a very able administrator, and the hope that he would take the school to greater heights is being realised.

His report forms the Malima Annual Statement, wherein he proudly announces that 100% of our graduating students have taken and passed the Secondary school entrance examinations, thereby continuing the unbroken results over the past four years.

At the beginning we promised our students the best elementary school education that we could manage. However, the children themselves had come to enjoy the learning experience to such a degree that they all wanted to continue on to the secondary level. Consequently, we now support a school and a half. Quite naturally, there is a cost to this. At present, The Malima Project is actively seeking an “Angel” to provide the programme with a significant annual lump sum grant that would enable us to enlarge our scope and to provide Malima with financial certainty.We therefore ask that this request be furthered through word of mouth. Your assistance will be greatly appreciated.

There is now another charity in the Gouria area in the form of “Fundación Kapsiki”. Two former Malima project members, who will undertake other efforts in Gouria and surrounding villages that The Malima Project had previously felt an obligation to assume, are leading this effort. We are therefore relieved of such activities, however, the hope is that in the future we may work together to accomplish even more than working alone.

Finally, having successfully experienced eight complete years of operations, it seemed realistic to propose to Cambridge House Community College that their sponsorship from the start be recognised by a twinning of the two schools. Simply put, without the initial and continuing support of Cambridge House there would be no Malima Primary
School. This has been accepted, and in the future both names will appear on the others’ letterhead.

Judith Burnett

Malima Primary School Annual Report

Extreme North
Cameroon, West Africa
Principal Sponsor:
Cambridge House Community College, Rocafort, Valencia

Annual Report
September 2007-August 2008

The following is the Annual Report submitted by our new Director of Education, Sop Sighen François Delafete. Mr. Delafete has completed one year’s service by taking Malima Primary School from strength-to-strength. He follows the very successful term of Felix Ngambou Ngadeu, Malima’s founding director.

“The school year began on Monday, September 3rd, 2007 and ended on Friday June 6th, 2008 for the primary classes. The pre-school opened on the 24th September 2007, and closed on June 5th, 2008.

During this period, starting from the very first day, classes were very effective with an average attendance of 95%. We are still operating on a basis of 4 classrooms for six groups that dictates that the school operates on a part-time basis as follows: SIL, CP, CEI, and CM2 attend from 7:30 to 13:00 hours; and CEII and CM1 Attend from 12 noon to 18:00 hours. The pre-school children who study in a separate building attend from 8:00am to 12 noon.

This year, as in the past, we have been proud to give our children an excellent education despite a few imperfections. Out of 79 children attending in the pre-school, 25 were selected to move into the Sil class, year One of the primary department. The others are taken into E.P. Gouria, the government primary school. The movement statistics between classes were as follows: From Sil to CP: 56% passed; from CP to CE! 72% succeeded; from CE1 To CE2 the figure was 60%; CE2 to CM1, 60%; and from CE1 To CM2 the pass rate was 70%. From CM2 to enter Secondary we registered 96% for the First School Leaving Certificate, and after some remedial summer work that figure rose to 100% for the Common Entrance Examination.

These statistics give our staff and myself great pride as that means we continue the past record of 100% passing into secondary education. That number was spoiled by 10 students who dropped out during the year, although we do hope to have some of them come back.

Other items of interest that took place during the year were as follows: A Malaria Prevention Campaign was launched that involved the school and students. That was undertaken in three phases, as malaria is an enduring problem in Africa.

The school purchased an insurance policy that insures all pupils’ health.

As usual, our school took part in the sports and cultural events organised by the ministry of basic education. Though our performances in sport were not quite what I would have liked them to be, we did much better in the cultural events such as theatre, dance, and marching. We were ranked 2nd overall in the division.

We have begun the final classroom building with funds donated by an English school for girls located in London. Presently the building is awaiting its roof and completion.

Before breaking for the end of year students and teachers planted trees in the schoolyard during what was called the “Journee de L’arbre.” That took place June 4th, 2008.

Financially, I wish to express to our sponsors my gratitude on behalf of my staff and students for your kind donations that allowed us to function within budget with all expenses paid on time. We ask that you please continue your support for the work that is being undertaken here in Gouria.

One final matter of interest is that the government of Cameroon through the Department of Education has taken note of the work that we are doing, and especially the results that are being achieved, by making a donation to the school.”

Sop Sighen François Delefete
Director of Education

Malima Primary School
Gouria, Extreme North
Cameroon, West Africa

Cambridge House Community College
Rocafort, Valencia
Transcript from Cambridge House Community College website:
“For over twenty years, Cambridge House Community College has offered an excellent education to Spanish and international students. Our aim is to create a stimulating, warm, caring “home” environment, and we aim to ensure that all our students develop their full potential regardless of their natural ability. The majority of our students start at Cambridge House at the age of three.
There are waiting lists for entry at all levels of Primary and Secondary, and students wishing to join our school after Early Years are assessed to ensure that the school is suitable for the student.
We aim to equip students leaving Cambridge House at the end of their studies with the necessary qualifications to have the best possible choices. The school follows the English educational system, giving our students the possibility of studying at universities in the UK, Spain or elsewhere. In Years 12 and 13 we offer a wide range of courses, including five languages, Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics (pure and applied), Biology, Technical Drawing, Social Sciences, History, Art, Geography, Literature, Drama, and Economics and Business Studies. More importantly we hope our students will go into the world as caring, responsible citizens.”


From the very start, even before the Malima Project was even conceived, Cambridge House Community College provided sabbatical time for one of its teachers, Judith Burnett, to go into Africa to work with VSO (Voluntary Services Overseas). It was while she served to provide education in the village of Mora that the Malima concept was born through working with Bene Tize who is from the village of Gouria.

Judith provided some funds, left Bene in charge of getting things started and returned to Cambridge House to continue her teaching career. Later, when the one-room class was finished, Cambridge House made the time available on several occasions to Judith to enable her to return to Cameroon to progress the programme.

Cambridge House Community College was the original sponsor of Malima. They had faith in Judith’s vision and her determination to make a success of bringing education to children who were not being served, even when many people were trying to discourage her. The faith of Cambridge House has never wavered and they continue to be fully supportive in a multiplicity of ways. This makes this school the original and most enduring encouragement for The Malima Project.

Throughout the time period under review, Cambridge House was going through its own growth stages, so to be able to look beyond their own needs at a small village in the remotest part of Cameroon was a striking and unselfish achievement. After eight successful operating years the time has come for proper recognition of the fact that in spite of the work having been done by Judith and friends, without the principal support by Cambridge House there simply would not be a Malima Project.

Cambridge House Community College has now agreed that in order to build a stronger relationship with Malima Primary School, the two schools are henceforth twinned, thereby providing Cambridge House with a more proprietary interest in Malima’s success.

Invitación a la Junta General Anual

CIF: G97910012
C/- General Pastor, 36
46183 L’Eliana
o: Aptdo 168
46183, L’Eliana
Invitación a la
Junta General Anual
Fecha: Viernes 7 de Noviembre de 2008
Hora: 17:00 h
Lugar: Cambridge House Community College
Urbanización Santa Bárbara
Rocafort, Valencia
(En la Cafetería situada en la Planta Baja)

Como Colaborador(a) / Padrino(a) de la Escuela Primaria Malima y sus proyectos asociados, estás invitado a asistir a la segunda Junta General Anual del Proyecto Malima que tendrá lugar en el sitio y a la hora arriba indicados.

En la actualidad estamos trabajando para llevar a cabo algunos proyectos que nos tienen muy entusiasmados. Nos hace mucha ilusión tener la posibilidad de presentártelos en persona, y por eso esperamos que podrás asistir a esta reunión. Si no sabes llegar a Cambridge House, llámanos al 609.878.126 o al 96.390.5019.

También queremos mejorar y poner al día nuestras relaciones y comunicación con todas las personas que colaboran con Malima. Sólo te pedimos que nos dediques un momento para rellenar el formulario a pie de página. Vamos a optar por utilizar el correo electrónico siempre y cuando sea factible, para reducir los gastos de administración, y así beneficiar directamente la financiación de nuestra escuela en Camerún.

Espero sinceramente poderte saludar personalmente el próximo 7 de Noviembre 2008.

Recibe un cálido saludo,

Judith Burnett



Nombre: ......................................... Apellidos: ..........................................................................................
Dirección Postal:.........................................................................................................................................
Código Postal: ........................ Población: ........................................................ Provincia:......................
Teléfono de contacto (fijo): ............................................... (móvil): .........................................................
Dirección de correo electrónico .................................................................................................................

Esta información personal será utilizada sólo a efectos de comunicarnos contigo y no la compartiremos con ninguna otra asociación o entidad de ningún tipo.

AGM 2008 Invitation


CIF: G97910012
C/- General Pastor, 36
46183 L’Eliana
Aptdo 168
46183, L’Eliana
Invitation to attend the
Annual General Meeting
Friday, November 7th, 2008, at 5pm
Cambridge House Community College, Rocafort, Valencia
In the Cafeteria on the lower level

As a Supporter / Sponsor of Malima Primary School and associated projects, I am writing to invite you to attend the second Annual General Meeting of El Proyecto Malima / The Malima Project charity, to be held as noted above.

We are presently working on some exciting developments that we would like to present to you in person, therefore we hope you are able to attend. Should you require directions please call 606 025 356, or 96 390 5019.

We are also keen to improve and update our communications with all supporters of Malima. We ask that if you have not already done so that you take a moment to complete the form below. Our preference is to use e-mail communications as much as possible as this will reduce administration costs, the benefit of which can be passed directly to the school in Cameroon.

I hope to look forward to welcoming you to the AGM on Friday, 7th November 2008 at 5pm, in the Cafeteria on the lower level at Cambridge House Community College, Rocafort, Valencia.

Kind Regards,

Judith Burnett

First Name__________________________________Surname______________________
Postal Address________________________________________________________
Postal Code______________________Town________________________________
Province_____________________________Telephone Contact_____________________

Your information will only be used specifically to communicate with you by us and will not be shared with any other group or entity.