Saturday, October 18, 2008

Annual Report The Malima Project Charity


CIF: G97910012
C/- General Pastor, 36,46183 L’Eliana
Aptdo de correos 168, 46183, L’Eliana
(Valencia) Spain

Annual Report 2008

The year under review has been a good one, especially as it has been without the excitement and uncertainties of the previous year. We reported that our founding director of Malima, Felix Ngambou Ngadeu had left Malima and moved to England, and he had been replaced by Mr. Sop Sighen François Delefete.

François, as he prefers to be addressed, was known to Felix, and came from the same village in the Southwest of Cameroon. He has had European experience as he lived for a time in Greece. His majors are mathematics and sports. We have found him to be a very able administrator, and the hope that he would take the school to greater heights is being realised.

His report forms the Malima Annual Statement, wherein he proudly announces that 100% of our graduating students have taken and passed the Secondary school entrance examinations, thereby continuing the unbroken results over the past four years.

At the beginning we promised our students the best elementary school education that we could manage. However, the children themselves had come to enjoy the learning experience to such a degree that they all wanted to continue on to the secondary level. Consequently, we now support a school and a half. Quite naturally, there is a cost to this. At present, The Malima Project is actively seeking an “Angel” to provide the programme with a significant annual lump sum grant that would enable us to enlarge our scope and to provide Malima with financial certainty.We therefore ask that this request be furthered through word of mouth. Your assistance will be greatly appreciated.

There is now another charity in the Gouria area in the form of “Fundación Kapsiki”. Two former Malima project members, who will undertake other efforts in Gouria and surrounding villages that The Malima Project had previously felt an obligation to assume, are leading this effort. We are therefore relieved of such activities, however, the hope is that in the future we may work together to accomplish even more than working alone.

Finally, having successfully experienced eight complete years of operations, it seemed realistic to propose to Cambridge House Community College that their sponsorship from the start be recognised by a twinning of the two schools. Simply put, without the initial and continuing support of Cambridge House there would be no Malima Primary
School. This has been accepted, and in the future both names will appear on the others’ letterhead.

Judith Burnett

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